As people we know exactly what that sentence, but sometimes as athletes it’s so difficult to listen to that sentence and do it! Your body is the most amazing miracle and has its ways of telling you when something is wrong. Here’s a few insights:
- Everyone is used to the usual stiffness, soreness and tightness as you start your exercise routine. These symptoms should subside after about 10 minutes of exercise. Listen to your body if sharp pain or severe tightness persists during the work as this could be a sign of serious injury.
- If you experience this pain during your workout decrease the intensity, decrease the distance and stretch mid workout. If the pain is gone is 24 hours continue on with your workout schedule.
- If the pain persists, rest and ice the area for 48 hours. If the pain is still there at rest then refrain from running and try some other pain free cross train for a few days.
- If the pain still doesn’t go away and is present during rest, it’s a good idea to seek the help of a medical physician.
- If the injury was a running injury consider cycling more if a triathlete to keep fitness level up without the stress on the feet, vice versa if the injury is a cycling injury-decrease the cycling days and add in more swimming or running.
By listening to your body, small nagging injuries don’t become full blown ones that interrupt your fitness routine for longer periods of time. Even if it is painful to refrain from running, listen to your body and it will run better! What advice do you have to stay injury free?
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