Thursday, January 28, 2010

Brand New Fleet Feet Training Site

Check out our new Fleet Feet Sports Training website at

Let us know what you think!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Rules to Run By

Sometimes I think the writers at Runner's World have it made.

Imagine being a writer for the most-read publication that caters to a specific audience like runners.  The writers at RW have the chance to spread their love for running.  They get to share the moments of "rave runs" with running addicts like all of us (who appreciate the idea of running the first steps on a trail or along busy streets before a city wakes up).  They get to try out all of the latest and greatest in run gear and races - and then tell us what to buy and what races to run.  They get to feed our confidence whether we are the front of the pack, the back of the pack, or somewhere in the middle (you know we all read the Penguin Chronicles!).  And they get to help us relate to other runners - and how running fits into our lives (I fee like I have traversed miles of terrain with RW writer Kristin Armstrong - and if we met I think we could begin a conversation like instant friends - I think I know her THAT well!). 

But the really cool thing that the RW writers get to do is they get to teach people how to be cool runners.  And no - I'm not a fan of the article that tells us that you are only cool if you have the NEWEST and BEST of a certain piece of gear.  And I don't mean you are only a cool runner if you place in your age group every-other race you run.  I mean the other rules of the road.  The ones like:  Don't jog in place at stop lights - it makes you look like you have to go to the bathroom, and it makes drivers nervous.  Or this one:  If you are running with someone faster than you just start asking them open ended questions... that will slow them down (or at least save you from feeling compelled to chat!)

So when I stumbled on this article in RW my RW-Writer-Envy sky rocketed.  I think that perhaps the author has been sucking my thoughts right out of my head. 

Wanna be a cool runner?  Check this out:,7124,s6-238-267--13385-0,00.html

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010 Resolutions

OK - I have been silent for a while. Resolutions for the New Year include updating my thoughts more often using this blog, my personal and the Fleet Feet Sports (Winston-Salem) Facebook pages, and my Twitter account (keithffws). Hope you'll follow me there as well.

I hesitate to call them "resolutions", but here are some of my primary (training) goals for the year:

1) I hope to use 2010 as a "set-up" year for 2011. Meaning, I want to spend 2010 getting back into shape so I can "train" again for an Ironman in 2011. Running will be the focal point of my year.

2) Run 2000 miles in 2010. This will require consistency, committment and being smart about my training.

3) Get my baseline/year-round weight to 185, and my "fighting weight" to 180 lbs. I am currently sitting at about 190.

2011 - I want to toe the line with Lance in Kona!

I will keep my personal goals personal, but if you read enough, I am sure you will be able to deduce what I am focusing my attention on this year.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010

Happy New Year!  What is your goal for 2010?  Will this be the year that you tackle the next distance?  Will 2010 be your chance to pursue another sport?  Is this your year to work on speed?  Let Fleet Feet Sports in on your resolutions!  We would love to cheer you on! - Coach S Batt