Monday, September 20, 2010

Compression Socks - Are they for me?

How do they work?  As you run, your body pumps blood to the muscles as equally as it can, unfortunately blood can pool in certain muscles due to gravity causing fatique and cramps.  Enter the Compression socks, these socks apply pressure on the legs, ankles and feet with the highest pressure at the ankles, this causes the blood into narrower channels, sending it back to the heart and not letting it pool in the feet.

Who wears them?  Anyone can wear compression socks, originally designed for those with circulation problems, the socks have now found their way into sports.  Some athletes wear compression socks because they prevent cramps, move lactic acid away from the muscles more efficiently, speed up blood back to the heart to enhance endurance, and they help stabilize the lower leg!

When should I wear them?  Many wear them during races, especially triathletes during the run portion as this is the hardest on the leg muscles where fatigue and cramps can set in.  Try wearing them during a run and see how they feel, but definitely wear then after a work out!  The American College of Sports Medicine study showed quicker lactate acid reduction when wearing compression socks after a work out!

Fleet Feet Sports carries a extensive line of compression socks, stop by and ask questions about how they work and try on a pair!  Another great piece of gear helping make your workouts the best they can be!