Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Why Not Give It A TRI?

There are things you can try ……then there are things you can TRI! Been stuck in a fitness rut? Or been on again/off again in consistency with a workout plan? Perhaps it’s time to change things up a little and tri something new? Fleet Feet Sports is offering their Triathlon 101 Beginner Training Program starting April 14th , perfect for nervous beginners and great for newer triathletes that are interested in stepping up their game . Not sure? Here are some answers about the training program:

What if I’m a terrible swimmer? The only prerequisite for this training program is the ability to swim one length of the pool. Your coaches and trainers will take over from there. They will teach you the correct techniques, what to expect in the pool in a triathlon, how to get in and out of the pool in one piece. Just make sure you bring your bathing suit.

What if I’ve already competed in a triathlon? No problems here, Triathlon 101 teaches you the correct techniques to perfect your race day. Learn tips and tricks in the transitions from swim to bike then bike to run, get hands on coaching of your current form and technique and make sure you are at your optimum performance!

What if I’m not a runner? Triathlon 101 teaches you how to run properly and avoid injury and pain, they put the FUN back in the RUN! Some participants learn a run/walk technique that gets them across the finish line smiling!

What if I only have a mountain bike? It doesn’t matter what bike you bring to the race, your coaches will help you get the most out of your bike. Some have come with mountain bikes, some with banana seat bikes, some with beach bikes, haven’t seen any on tricycles yet, but you never know. This clinic is about YOUR first triathlon, bring what you will use and let us help you with the rest!

What if I don’t know any athletes? This is a great way to meet others interested in your sport and learn with them. Make friends at the beginning of the 8 week training session then along with the Fleet Feet coaches and staff cheer each other across the finish line on race day!

Triathlon 101 is a great way to start this year’s triathlon season. If you’ve never competed a triathlon before, use this clinic to learn about one of the fastest growing sports and have FUN along the way! If you want to perfect your race day experiences use this program to learn better techniques and tips and tricks! If you want to have fun and join others while staying healthy then visit our training website at http://www.training.fleetfeetws.com/tri-101 for more information. We’ll help get you ready for 36 North Triathlon on June 20th. Come visit us at the store if you have additional questions- or just need a pep talk!

Friday, March 26, 2010

We can all be Triathletes

We All Look Dorky, and Let’s Not Forget It

From: Slow Fat Triathlete by Jayne Williams

Triathlon includes innumerable opportunities for low comedy, and I think that’s absolutely critical to the overall experience. You learn about life. You learn about yourself. And a huge part of learning about yourself is being able to embrace your own ridiculousness. Yes, you can feel heroic as you dig down deep to get up the big hill or pass the person in front of you. You can feel the spiritual transcendence of being one with your body, communing with nature and your fellow triathletes.

But when you fall flat on your ass in the middle of transition because you can’t get your cold, shaking legs out of your slippery wetsuit, it balances out the epic grandeur quite nicely. The drills we do to warm up for running look like mass practice for Monty Python’s Silly Walks competition. We crash into each other trying to get on our bikes at the first transition. And we all pee in our wetsuits, don’t let anyone tell ya different. And the contortions both men and women engage in so they can put anti-chafing creams on their various body parts – nobody looks anything but completely silly doing that. Nobody looks “good” when they’re soaked with sweat and the Gatorade they spill on themselves during the run leg. I happen to think that shiny skin-tight Lycra is a fine fabric for all-day wear, but I know a lot of my girlfriends and husband think we look, well… funny.

We look funny during our training, even funnier during our races, and our fears, neuroses, and pre-race nerves make us pretty funny, too. We worry about our fitness, about the weather, about the course layout, about equipment, nutrition, sleep – it pretty much never ends. We’re all a bunch of Woody Allens out there, right until the moment we step up to the line and hear the starter’s horn. And then we go, ready or not, fat or thin, fast or slow.

What I’m really trying to say here (again) is that life is way too short and precious to worry about what other people think when you’re out doing something. Self-consciousness is the enemy of fun. It’s the enemy of feeling comfortable. It’s the enemy of achievement. It’s your enemy. Decide right now to banish self-consciousness from your journey to triathletehood. Don’t worry about what you look like in Lycra, or whether your boobs jiggle when you run, or whether your beer belly gets in the way of your aerodynamic tuck on the bike. Remember, we all look dorky. And absolutely remember that we always think we look worse than we do. Believe that your body, like any body, was made to be moved, and that any body in motion is a glorious thing.

They say that nobody ever thinks on their deathbed, “Gee, I wish I had spent more time at the office.” Yet I hear people say to me, “I’d love to do a triathlon, but I need to lose some weight first.” Why wait? If you have any inkling of a longing to cross the finish line and raise your arms n triumph, just start now. Say to yourself, “My journey to the triathlon starts today.” It starts with a single walk or jog, or a visit to the pool you haven’t been to in years.

Take the first step today…

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tri Season is here... are you ready?

88 days until the 36 North Sprint Triathlon... will you be ready?  Let us help you get to there!  Join us for Tri 101 at Fleet Feet Sports Winston-Salem!

Check out memories for the Spring 2009 Tri 101 Season:
TRI 101 – Spring 2009

Save Your Fork

Tonight we gather
All dressed to the nines
To pause and reflect
On our wonderful times

And we think back to April
Early this spring
When we first got together
For this Triathlon thing.

As you looked ‘round the room
At your Tri 101 peers
Across each of their faces
You could see the same fears.

Some feared the swim…
The crazy goggles and cap.
Others wondered the difference
‘tween a length and a lap.

Others worried ‘bout biking,
From the pedals to gears
About shifting and climbing
And about falling in tears.

And still just a few of you
Most feared the run
Until you met your crazy blonde coach
And decided its fun.

But all joking aside
With 8 weeks ahead
We all faced a challenge
With some feeling of dread.

And on this day in June
With the sun shining high
I am proud to applaud you
In your very first Tri.

The looks on your faces
Early this morn’
Made me realize that in Winston
50 triathletes were born.

Because you each faced the challenge
With confidence and skill
You swam, biked, and ran
With determination and will.

And when you stepped to the finish
At the end of the day
I knew in my heart
That you’re all on your way

To a lifetime of fitness –
To enter your very next tri –
To an upcoming challenge
With your limit the sky.

And so today we toast all of you
With cheer and great pride
And say “save your fork”
Cuz whether you swim, run or ride…

Today isn’t the finish –
It is just step number one,
And just ‘round the corner
The best is yet to come.

Stacie Lynn Battjes
Fleet Feet Coach
Fan of all of the Athletes in Tri 101

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

That Day For No Reason In Particular......

I decided to go for a run. - Forest Gump

Have you had one of those days, when everything worked against you when it came to getting in your run? Something in the house broke, someone forgot their lunch and required a run to school, that extra project that just "showed up" at work when you were planning a lunch run?

Make that conscious decision to fit it in, push aside those little things and decide to go for a run. By committing to the run, we are committing to be fit. We are taking time for ourselves and will be better as a result.

How do you feel when you have that type of day AND you actually fit the run in? Not just the endorphin rush when you are finished, we ALL love that. That feeling that you beat the odds and put a few more miles on the books. That great feeling after a run is the result of "clarifying the thinking process as well as purifies the body" according to Amby Burfoot in the The Runner's Guide To The Meaning Of Life. That great feeling is the result of connecting with the Earth in rhythmic footfalls, getting away from everything to "broaden our thoughts." A Yale professor once said that we think so well on the run because it's an activity that doesn't require any skill, you're not caught up in holding the bat just right, or planning where the golf ball is going, you're just running. Without all this technical thinking, our clear mind has a chance to THINK.

That is why you carve out that time no matter what. You lace up your shoes and hit the road, the trail, the treadmill, because when you come back you'll feel better about yourself AND have clear thoughts about the tasks ahead. Getting that run in also makes that lunchbox, that project, that meeting that much more pleasant. You're ready to get back at it again because you feel refreshed.

Have you ever had to overcome obstacles to get out and run? Have you ever had a day where for no reason in particular you decided to run? What were your results?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Letter from Coach Stacie to North Carolina Marathoners

Enjoy today! You are a marathon runner!

I hope that your family and co workers are showering you with praise over your fabulous weekend of running. They should be. You all did great. Enjoy their praise and soak it up. Don't diminish what you have done -because every person who says "congratulations" isn't just congratulating you on your race this weekend.. They are congratulating you on the countless miles of training that you have done to get to this point. So whether the weekend's race went better than expected or was more challenging than expected. whether you flew through the finish or hobbled through the finish. you have done something amazing. And if for one moment you question just how amazing the 26.2 distance is, then check this out:

The modern Athens Marathon commemorates the run of the soldier Pheidippides from a battlefield at the site of the town of Marathon, Greece, to Athens in 490 B.C., bringing news of a Greek victory over the Persians. Legend has it that Pheidippides delivered the momentous message "Niki!" ("victory"), then collapsed and died, thereby setting a precedent for dramatic conclusions to the marathon.

So enjoy today and being showered with praise. And don't be the person who shrugs it off and says "oh - it wasn't that great". or "oh - it wasn't as fast as I wanted". or "oh - it was no big deal." It was a big deal. You ran further than most people are willing to drive for a commute to work. And you had the dedication to train long enough and hard enough to do it right.

I'll stop babbling now so you can look up from your computer to listen to your next coworker, friend, or family member tell you how great you are. Just smile and say thanks - cuz you really are!
Coach Stacie O'Battjes

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Monday Morning Fitness Tip – 5 easy way to improve your health

1. Drink Water – take a sip of water and you’re on your way to a healthier lifestyle. Water helps to not only hydrate your system but the number one reason for a headache is dehydration.
2. Mindful Breathing – take a few deep breaths, become aware of the air moving into your lungs then moving out of your body. This will help clear any stress of the day and help you feel more revived.
3. Train for Strength – Building muscle not only increases strength but also boosts metabolism. Strength training also slows the aging process, add strength training to your routine 2-4 times a week.
4. Pack Snacks – by making and packing your own snacks, you know exactly what’s in there – not something from a vending machine. Packing snacks also allows you the choice of organic items.
5. Have Fun – exercise shouldn’t be a chore, it’s benefits are seen years down the road. Find something that works for you and schedule it in, make your workouts fun and you’ll find yourself looking forward to that time every day.
These quick and simple tips help improve your health and wellness. What little tips do you have?

Friday, March 19, 2010

We need to file complaints against Tony Kornheiser of ESPN for advocating running over cyclists!

Recently Tony Kornheiser of ESPN went on a rant against cyclists going as far as advocating running over them.

Some of his comments included:"Run them down, like Wile Coyotes, run them over. Just stay on the right. Stay on the right.""And they all wear...my God...with the little water bottle in the back and their stupid hats and their shiny shorts, they are the same disgusting poseurs that come out in the middle of a snow storm with cross country skiing on your block. Run them down."

I have just filed a complaint with the FCC. I would ask all of you to do the same. Given the recent death of Adam Little, we don't need people like this on the public airwaves.

To file a complaint go to: http://esupport.fcc.gov/complaints.htm

Click on the radio button: Broadcast (TV and Radio), Cable, and Satellite Issues.Proceed to the next page.

Click on the radio button: Unauthorized, unfair, biased, illegal broadcasts (does NOT include Obscene, Profane or Indecent material) This does however, include "Broadcasting threatening or intimidating statements about an individual or group."

Proceed to the next page and select the online form. Complete your consumer information. You will then need to complete Form 2000E. Pertinent information that needs to be included:
1. What is the name of the company that is the subject of your complaint? Red Zebra Broadcasting (ESPN 980)
2. If your complaint is about a radio or television station, provide the following information: Station call sign (e.g., "KDID," "WZUF," "KDIU-FM," "WZUE-TV"): WTEM, WWXX and WWXTStation location: City: Rockville State: Maryland

If you are complaining about a particular program, provide the following information:
1. Network: ESPN980
2. Program name: Tony Kornheiser Show
3. Date of program (mm/dd/yyyy): 3/11/2010 4. 10:00 am5
4. Provide the details of your complaint, including the time, date and nature of any conduct or activity complained of and identifying information for companies, institutions or individuals involved (if not already described above): During his show on March 11, 2010, Mr. Kornheiser advocated violence against anyone riding a bicycle on a public road. Specifically, Mr. Kornheiser stated "Run them down, like Wile Coyote's, run them over." Using public airwaves to advocate violence against cyclists is unacceptable and should not be tolerated.

Please take a moment to file the complaint and forward this on to others. Hopefully, we can get morons like Tony Kornheiser off the airwaves, and maybe, just maybe, make cycling a little bit safer. Thanks,Tricows

The Rainbow At The Finish Line

The leprechauns were out St. Patrick’s Day for our Leprechaun Run. Over 200 runners showed up without the promise of green beer! If that’s not a testament to the fit community of Winston Salem then we’re not sure what is! The store was a sea of green as people milled around and met new friends while chatting with old familiars. The blarney shoe was out and several kissed the shoe though no one gets the gift of gab that Stacie has perfected, right No Boundaries participants?

Groups left on the cool summer night with smiles on their faces and came back kissed by leprechauns, a little more green to their cheeks! Some won prizes from our little pot of gold but everyone found their rainbow at the finish line. They knew that they could leave after the run and enjoy a guilt free Irish beverage, they’d already put the work in! Thanks to the running clubs and running/training groups that included this social run as part of their training! You guys ROCK!

Out next social run is planned for April 15th, get your taxes in then burn off that stress with your friends at Fleet Feet. We’ll be signing people up for the Race for The Cure team, if you don’t want to wait until tax day then go to our website http://www.fleetfeetwinston-salem.com/ and click on the pink ribbon to register! OUR team not only has an extra ULTRACOOL shirt but a BUS that takes you down to the starting line, can we say stress free?

Thanks to all the runners that came out in their green, to all the walkers that crossed that finish line and to all the customers that keep us here on the corner! May the luck of the Irish guide your Fleet Feet in your next endeavor!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I think I'm Fast!

Why do Speed Series starting Monday? Here's one runner's reasons!

I have been a runner for quite a few years, and I really love it. Yes, they are some times that I don’t LOVE it, but for the most part it is an integral part of my life. So, I decided to add something different to my running.

I had read about speed work and intervals in running magazines, and how good it was for cross training. I really didn’t want to try it all by myself, so I signed up for the Speed Series at Fleet Feet. I thought, why not?

I must say it was one of the most intense, yet satisfying programs I have completed. Coach Stacie will kick your bottom, but you will be the better for it!
Why did I like this program so much? I will tell you.

I love the fact that there were all levels of runners in this group. Everyone came in with their own experience in running and we all worked towards our OWN personal goals of getting faster and becoming better runners.

Not to say there wasn’t friendly competition. I made a lot of friends in this program. We had a good time moaning and groaning while Stacie cheered us on.
I also loved that it was fast and quick. It was over in an hour and you had your whole day ahead of you. The intervals were fast-paced and you really didn’t have time to think about what you were doing.

Lastly, it has to be Coach Stacie. She has a unique way of making you want to be there, even if it is dark, cold and rainy/snowy. She has a talent of molding her runs to make sure everyone is equally challenged. She always has a smile on her face and she finds makes time to answer your questions.

Speed work is not something I love to do, especially not by myself, but when I am through, the Fleet Feet Speed Series makes me feel like a rock star!

P.S. Although it was a small, local race, I did place second in my age group after completing the speed program. J Coincidence? I don’t think so!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

St. Patrick's Day is Tomorrow!

Start your day with a green smoothie! Here's a basic recipe you can adapt to your household!

50% green leafy vegetables (arugula, kale etc)

50% fruit of choice (berries, kiwi)

1-2 Bananas or avocado to make it creamy

Ginger, lemon, yogurt, honey or sugar to taste.

Combine all ingredients in blender, cover with water or orange juice. Make it more green with a few drop of green food coloring!! Blend and drink immediately!

Start the day off right, then end St. Patricks Day with our Leprechaun Run!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Fitness Tip Of The Week

We’re so busy planning our routine of workouts-aerobic training, strength training, many overlook stretching routines for added flexibility! Some of the benefits of flexibility include:
· Greater freedom of movement
· Decreased tension
· Relaxation of the mind and body
· Reduced risk of injury

Here are tips when performing a static stretch:

Target one set of muscles at a time. Take a deep breath to clear toxins out of the body as you stretch the muscle.

Hold the stretch for up to 30 seconds, repeat a few times.
Make sure your muscles are properly warmed up before a stretch to prevent injury.
Don’t hold your breath while stretching, take deep even breaths
Don’t bounce a stretch, keep your body as still as possible.

Life is busy, I can’t add another workout! Stretch your muscles when standing in the hot shower, stretch your legs when standing and cooking dinner, take a few minutes when in front of the TV to stretch out your arms! Or sign up for that yoga or tai chi class and let them help you improve your flexibility!

Need some help? Come into the store for our StretchRite products-ProStretch for immediate heel pain relief and CoreStretch for the legs, shoulders and back. Or our FoamRoller for helping and preventing muscle knots. Just ask any sales person for assistance in finding what’s right for you!

A good flexibility routine can take 30 minutes of stretching, start by adding an extra 10 minute stretching routine to your weekly schedule. You’ll find the benefits you feel will make adding that 30 minute stretching routine a weekly must have!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Are You A Mountain Man or Woman?

We challenge you! Registration is open for three incredible back to back races this summer in the High Country of North Carolina! July 8-11th is the Highland Games at Grandfather Mountain, Scottish clan gatherings and games. In celebration of this event, the games organizer has created three races that will test the nettle of any athelete.

The Bear - a 5 mile hill climb on Thur, Jul 8th. Sounds easy right? Well, it's 5 miles from the bottom to the top of Grandfather Mountain! Run the Forest Gump curve, enjoy incredible views, end at the Mile High Swing Bridge on a run that will test legs and lungs! They close the mountain for this race so registration is limited to the first 800 runners, it usually fills within a month or two of opening.

The Grizzly - a Metric Century Bike Ride on Friday, Jul 9th - The Grizzly ride will begin in Linville and end on the track at Grandfather Mountain. The Grizzly is a beautiful and challenging route with 7000 feet of climbing in 65 miles, including 2 miles of dirt road up the backside of Beech Mountain.
8:00am Start & 3:00pm Shutdown, you need to be able to finish in 7 hours.

The Grandfather Mountain Marathon - Sat July 10th This marathon begins in Boone, NC at the Appalachian State University on the track at the Kidd Brewer Stadium, home of the 3-time NCAA Division 1 Football National Champions. The marathon then winds through the breath-taking NC Blue Ridge Mountains, over the Blue Ridge Parkway, up long steep climbs to McRae Meadows where you will be greeted by the sound of bagpipes and an estimated 15,000 spectators. Known as one of America's "Toughest" Marathons the ending is one you will not forget!

Do all three and crown yourself King/Queen of the Mountain! Awards are given for each individual event as well as over times in the King/Queen of the Mountain. Get a breath of fresh air and challenge yourself, individually or collectively these are races you WILL NOT forget!

Here's the registration sites:

http://www.hopeformarrow.org/gmminfo.htm Grandfather Mountain Marathon

Friday, March 12, 2010

A Few Lucky Charms!

We celebrated the end of our marathon training program with a 2.62 run from the store on Wednesday night! 100 people came out to celebrate our marathon runners as they finish training and get ready for the North Carolina Marathon, March 20th! The get together featured FREE shoulder massages of all the marathoners by family and friends, great door prizes and a few boxes of Lucky Charms! The Shamrock Run was done in typical Fleet Feet Style including rubbing a rabbit’s foot for good luck (Nancy in a costume), touching our good luck shoe, and a free piece of Double Bubble, “the best piece of gum you’ll ever get,” says Stacie! Keith brought out our turtle, a powerful symbol for participants in all of our No Boundaries programs – it’s about the journey, the turtle always finishes!

Our event featured not only marathon runners, but runners of all types and ages-our No Boundaries group was there getting ready for their first 5K. Family and friends were there for fun and support! We are proud all the runners who turned out on cold Wednesday night sharing a love of running-26.2, 10K, 5K, 1 mile fun run, as the turtle says it’s all about the journey! Wish our marathoners a little Luck and whole lot of endurance on March 20th. Missed this Social Event at Fleet Feet? Join us Wednesday, March 17th at 6pm for a little leprechaun chasing at the store! RSVP at our websitehttp://www.fleetfeetwinston-salem.com/leprechaun-run-march-17th-6PM.