There are things you can try ……then there are things you can TRI! Been stuck in a fitness rut? Or been on again/off again in consistency with a workout plan? Perhaps it’s time to change things up a little and tri something new? Fleet Feet Sports is offering their Triathlon 101 Beginner Training Program starting April 14th , perfect for nervous beginners and great for newer triathletes that are interested in stepping up their game . Not sure? Here are some answers about the training program:
What if I’m a terrible swimmer? The only prerequisite for this training program is the ability to swim one length of the pool. Your coaches and trainers will take over from there. They will teach you the correct techniques, what to expect in the pool in a triathlon, how to get in and out of the pool in one piece. Just make sure you bring your bathing suit.
What if I’ve already competed in a triathlon? No problems here, Triathlon 101 teaches you the correct techniques to perfect your race day. Learn tips and tricks in the transitions from swim to bike then bike to run, get hands on coaching of your current form and technique and make sure you are at your optimum performance!
What if I’m not a runner? Triathlon 101 teaches you how to run properly and avoid injury and pain, they put the FUN back in the RUN! Some participants learn a run/walk technique that gets them across the finish line smiling!
What if I only have a mountain bike? It doesn’t matter what bike you bring to the race, your coaches will help you get the most out of your bike. Some have come with mountain bikes, some with banana seat bikes, some with beach bikes, haven’t seen any on tricycles yet, but you never know. This clinic is about YOUR first triathlon, bring what you will use and let us help you with the rest!
What if I don’t know any athletes? This is a great way to meet others interested in your sport and learn with them. Make friends at the beginning of the 8 week training session then along with the Fleet Feet coaches and staff cheer each other across the finish line on race day!
Triathlon 101 is a great way to start this year’s triathlon season. If you’ve never competed a triathlon before, use this clinic to learn about one of the fastest growing sports and have FUN along the way! If you want to perfect your race day experiences use this program to learn better techniques and tips and tricks! If you want to have fun and join others while staying healthy then visit our training website at http://www.training.fleetfeetws.com/tri-101 for more information. We’ll help get you ready for 36 North Triathlon on June 20th. Come visit us at the store if you have additional questions- or just need a pep talk!